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@use "sass:color";
@use "sass:list";
@use "sass:map";
@use "sass:math";
@use "initial-variables" as iv;
@use "functions" as fn;
@function buildVarName($name, $prefix: "", $suffix: "") {
@return "--#{iv.$cssvars-prefix}#{$prefix}#{$name}#{$suffix}";
@function buildHslaString($name, $l, $a: 1) {
$lightness: getVar($name, "", "-l");
@if ($l) {
$lightness: $l;
@return "hsla(#{getVar($name, '', '-h')}, #{getVar($name, '', '-s')}, #{$lightness}, #{$a})";
@function getVar($name, $prefix: "", $suffix: "") {
$varName: buildVarName($name, $prefix, $suffix);
@return var(#{$varName});
@function getVarWithBackup($name, $backup, $prefix: "", $suffix: "") {
$varName: buildVarName($name, $prefix, $suffix);
$backupName: buildVarName($backup, $prefix, $suffix);
@return var(#{$varName}, var(#{$backupName}));
@function getRgbaVar($name, $alpha, $prefix: "", $suffix: "") {
$varName: buildVarName($name, $prefix, $suffix);
@return unquote("rgba(var(#{$varName}), #{$alpha})");
@mixin register-var($name, $value, $prefix: "", $suffix: "") {
$varName: buildVarName($name, $prefix, $suffix);
#{$varName}: #{$value};
@mixin register-vars($vars, $prefix: "", $suffix: "") {
@each $name, $value in $vars {
@include register-var($name, $value, $prefix, $suffix);
@mixin register-rgb($name, $value) {
@include register-var(
(red($value), green($value), blue($value)),
@mixin register-hsl($name, $value) {
@include register-var($name, round(hue($value)), "", "-h");
@include register-var($name, round(saturation($value)), "", "-s");
@include register-var($name, round(lightness($value)), "", "-l");
@mixin generate-on-scheme-colors($name, $base, $scheme-main) {
// Accessibility Contrast System
$scheme-main-brightness: fn.bulmaColorBrightness($scheme-main);
$on-scheme-color: $base;
$fg-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($on-scheme-color);
$bg-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($scheme-main);
$ratio: 0;
$found-decent-color: false;
@if ($fg-lum > $bg-lum) {
@for $i from 0 through 20 {
$ratio: math.div(($fg-lum + 0.05), ($bg-lum + 0.05));
@if $ratio > 5 {
$found-decent-color: true;
} @else {
$on-scheme-color: lighten($on-scheme-color, 5%);
$fg-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($on-scheme-color);
} @else {
@for $i from 0 through 20 {
$ratio: math.div(($bg-lum + 0.05), ($fg-lum + 0.05));
@if $ratio > 5 {
$found-decent-color: true;
} @else {
$on-scheme-color: darken($on-scheme-color, 5%);
$fg-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($on-scheme-color);
$on-scheme-lightness: lightness($on-scheme-color);
@include register-var($name, $on-scheme-lightness, "", "-on-scheme-l");
$on-scheme-l: getVar($name, "", "-on-scheme-l");
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $on-scheme-l)
@mixin v1-generate-on-scheme-colors($name, $base, $scheme-main) {
// Accessibility Contrast System
$scheme-main-brightness: fn.bulmaColorBrightness($scheme-main);
$on-scheme-color: $base;
@if ($scheme-main-brightness == "bright") {
@while (fn.bulmaEnoughContrast($on-scheme-color, #fff) == false) {
// We're on a light background, so we'll darken the test color step by step.
$on-scheme-color: darken($on-scheme-color, 5%);
} @else {
@while (fn.bulmaEnoughContrast($on-scheme-color, #000) == false) {
// We're on a dark background, so we'll lighten the test color step by step.
$on-scheme-color: lighten($on-scheme-color, 5%);
$on-scheme-lightness: lightness($on-scheme-color);
@include register-var($name, $on-scheme-lightness, "", "-on-scheme-l");
@mixin register-base-color($name, $base) {
$hsla: buildHslaString($name, getVar($name, "", "-l"));
@include register-var($name, $hsla);
@include register-var($name, $hsla, "", "-base"); // Just for reference
@include register-rgb($name, $base);
@include register-hsl($name, $base);
@mixin generate-basic-palette($name, $base, $invert: null) {
@include register-base-color($name, $base);
@if $invert {
@include register-var($name, lightness($invert), "", "-invert-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-invert", $invert);
@mixin generate-color-palette(
$scheme-main-l: 100%,
$invert: null,
$light: null,
$dark: null
) {
$h: round(hue($base)); // Hue
$s: round(saturation($base)); // Saturation
$l: round(lightness($base)); // Lightness
$base-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($base);
$l-base: round($l % 10); // Get lightness second digit: 53% -> 3%
$l-0: 0%; // 5% or less
$l-5: 5%; // More than 5%
$a: 1; // Alpha
$base-digits: "00";
// Calculate digits like "40" for the scheme-main
$scheme-l-0: 0%;
$scheme-l-base: round($scheme-main-l % 10);
$closest-5: math.round(math.div($scheme-main-l, 5)) * 5;
$pct-to-int: math.div($closest-5, 100%) * 100;
$scheme-main-digits: #{$pct-to-int};
// === STEP 1 ===
// Register the base colors
@include register-base-color($name, $base);
// === STEP 2 ===
// Generating 20 shades of the color
// 00: 0%, 1%, 2%
// 05: 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%
// 10: 8%, 9%
@if ($l-base < 3%) {
$l-0: $l-base;
$l-5: $l-base + 5%;
} @else if ($l-base < 8%) {
// $l-0: math.max($l-base - 5%, 0%);
$l-0: $l-base - 5%;
$l-5: $l-base;
} @else {
// $l-0: math.max($l-base - 10%, 0%);
$l-0: $l-base - 10%;
$l-5: $l-base - 5%;
$shades: ();
@for $i from 0 through 9 {
// if $l-base = 3%, then we get 3%, 13%, 23%, 33% etc.
$color-l-0: math.max($l-0 + $i * 10, 0%);
// if $l-base = 3%, then we get 8%, 18%, 28%, 38% etc.
$color-l-5: $l-5 + $i * 10;
$shades: map.set($shades, "#{$i}0", $color-l-0);
$shades: map.set($shades, "#{$i}5", $color-l-5);
@include register-var($name, $color-l-0, "", "-#{$i}0-l");
@include register-var($name, $color-l-5, "", "-#{$i}5-l");
@if $color-l-0 == $l {
$base-digits: "#{$i}0";
} @else if $color-l-5 == $l {
$base-digits: "#{$i}5";
$shades: map.set($shades, "100", 100%);
@include register-var($name, 100%, "", "-100-l");
// === STEP 3 ===
// Find accessible color combinations
$combos: ();
@each $digits-bg, $bg-l in $shades {
$background: hsl($h, $s, $bg-l);
$bg-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($background);
$bg-is-light: $bg-lum > 0.55;
$candidates: ();
$found: false;
// If the background color is the base color
@if $bg-l == $l {
$base-digits: $digits-bg;
// Even if the base color as a background
// doesn't have an appropriate foreground,
// we still add to the list of "valid" contrast combos for now.
@if $bg-is-light {
$combos: map.set($combos, $base-digits, "10");
} @else {
$combos: map.set($combos, $base-digits, "100");
// We capture all contrast ratios for any given background
// using all foreground options
$current-best-digits: "00";
$current-best-ratio: 0;
@each $digits-fg, $fg-l in $shades {
$foreground: hsl($h, $s, $fg-l);
$ratio: 0;
$is-light-fg: false;
// Source:
$fg-lum: fn.bulmaColorLuminance($foreground);
@if (lightness($foreground) > lightness($background)) {
$is-light-fg: true;
$ratio: math.div(($fg-lum + 0.05), ($bg-lum + 0.05));
} @else {
$ratio: math.div(($bg-lum + 0.05), ($fg-lum + 0.05));
@if $ratio > 7 {
$candidates: list.append(
@if ($is-light-fg) {
@if (not $found) {
// Store the background/foreground combination
$combos: map.set($combos, $digits-bg, $digits-fg);
$current-best-digits: $digits-fg;
$current-best-ratio: $ratio;
$found: true;
} @else {
$combos: map.set($combos, $digits-bg, $digits-fg);
$current-best-digits: $digits-fg;
$current-best-ratio: $ratio;
// We haven't found a decent ratio
@each $digits-fg, $fg-l in $shades {
@if (map.has-key($combos, $digits-bg) == false) {
@if ($bg-is-light) {
// Light background so we set a dark foreground
$combos: map.set($combos, $digits-bg, "00");
} @else {
// Dark background so we set a light foreground
$combos: map.set($combos, $digits-bg, "100");
// The output needs to be:
// --bulma-primary-invert-l: var(--bulma-primary-100-l);
@each $bg, $fg in $combos {
// Just using this loop to register all 20 digits
$bg-l: getVar($name, "", "-#{$bg}-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-#{$bg}", buildHslaString($name, $bg-l));
// Register the lightness
@include register-var(
getVar($name, "", "-#{$fg}-l"),
// Resiter the color using that lightness
$bg-invert-l: getVar($name, "", "-#{$bg}-invert-l");
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $bg-invert-l)
// If an invert color is provided by the user
@if $invert {
@include register-var($name, lightness($invert), "", "-invert-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-invert", $invert);
} @else {
$base-invert-l-digits: map.get($combos, $base-digits);
@include register-var(
getVar($name, "", "-#{$base-invert-l-digits}-l"),
$base-invert-l: getVar($name, "", "-invert-l");
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $base-invert-l)
// Good color on light background (90% lightness)
@if $light and $dark {
@include register-var($name, lightness($light), "", "-light-l");
@include register-var($name, lightness($light), "", "-dark-invert-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-light", $light);
@include register-var("#{$name}-dark-invert", $light);
@include register-var($name, lightness($dark), "", "-dark-l");
@include register-var($name, lightness($dark), "", "-light-invert-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-dark", $dark);
@include register-var("#{$name}-light-invert", $dark);
} @else {
@include register-var($name, getVar($name, "", "-90-l"), "", "-light-l");
$light-l: getVar($name, "", "-light-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-light", buildHslaString($name, $light-l));
$light-invert-l-digits: map.get($combos, "90");
@include register-var(
getVar($name, "", "-#{$light-invert-l-digits}-l"),
$light-invert-l: getVar($name, "", "-light-invert-l");
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $light-invert-l)
// Good color on dark background (10% lightness)
@include register-var($name, getVar($name, "", "-10-l"), "", "-dark-l");
$dark-l: getVar($name, "", "-dark-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-dark", buildHslaString($name, $dark-l));
$dark-invert-l-digits: map.get($combos, "10");
@include register-var(
getVar($name, "", "-#{$dark-invert-l-digits}-l"),
$dark-invert-l: getVar($name, "", "-dark-invert-l");
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $dark-invert-l)
// Soft and Bold colors
$soft-l: getVar("soft-l");
$soft-invert-l: getVar("soft-invert-l");
$bold-l: getVar("bold-l");
$bold-invert-l: getVar("bold-invert-l");
@include register-var("#{$name}-soft", buildHslaString($name, $soft-l));
@include register-var("#{$name}-bold", buildHslaString($name, $bold-l));
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $soft-invert-l)
@include register-var(
buildHslaString($name, $bold-invert-l)
@mixin bulma-theme($name) {
.#{iv.$class-prefix}theme-#{$name} {
@mixin system-theme($name) {
@media (prefers-color-scheme: #{$name}) {
:root {