37 lines
815 B
37 lines
815 B
@echo off
rem Set variables
set SRC_DIR=src
set LIB_DIR=lib
rem Create the %LIB_DIR% directory if it does not exist
if not exist %LIB_DIR% mkdir %LIB_DIR%
if "%1"=="/clean" (
goto clean
rem Configure the environment for Visual Studio
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
rem Build %SRC_DIR%\*.c files
cl /c /Fd:%LIB_DIR%\ /Fo:%LIB_DIR%\ /Iinclude\ /I%SRC_DIR%\ %SRC_DIR%\*.c
rem Link the object files into a static library
lib %LIB_DIR%\*.obj
rem Create a ssvw64.lib file from a ssvw64.def file
lib /def:%SRC_DIR%\ssvw64.def /out:%LIB_DIR%\ssvw64.lib /machine:x64
rem Build complete
exit /b 0
del %LIB_DIR%\*.obj
del %LIB_DIR%\*.lib
del %LIB_DIR%\*.exp
rem Clean complete
exit /b 0